9 Creative Gift Email Templates for Prospecting

9 Creative Gift Email Templates for Prospecting

December 2, 2021

Sales development representatives and account executives commonly ask for a meeting without offering anything in return. In this day and age, people's time is too valuable and too guarded to attend a sales discovery call that might have absolutely nothing in it for them.

You can combat this hesitation by integrating gifts and experiences into outbound communications with offline marketing solutions such as Postal—software that enables sales teams to book up to 30% more meetings by leveraging incentive marketing within their prospecting efforts.

9 gift email templates for prospecting

Here are a few gift email templates that you can use as part of outbound sequences that garner results.

1. Exclusive event invite

virtual event

Subject line: You're invited, <first name >.

Preview text: We're hosting an exclusive (___) and wanted to invite like-minded leaders such as yourself. Register today!

Body messaging: Invite your prospect to a unique, exclusive event and leverage the event kit as an incentive to join. Example from Postal's Opp-toberfest:

Example:Hi, <first name>. Oktoberfest 2021 may be canceled...however, Postal's Opp-toberfest isn't! Join us on October 14th for an exclusive Oktoberfest experience like no other. Here's what you can expect during this 60-minute event:🍻 Taste a few seasonal beers and snacks led by a certified cicerone🤝 Meet fellow revenue-minded marketing and sales leaders💡 Learn how offline marketing drives funnel conversions and more opportunitiesRSVP by this Friday to attend and have the official beer tasting kit delivered to your door. There are limited seats available so register now.


2. "Lunch on me for 10 minutes of your time?"

Subject line: Lunch on me, <first name>.

Preview text: Would you want to grab virtual lunch sometime this week? Food is on me!

Body messaging: Invite your prospect to have lunch with you and send them a GrubHub or DoorDash gift card.

Example:Hi, <first name>. Whether you're working from home or you're back at the office, eating at your desk is a no-no. You need a break from your screen and that office chair (and I do, too). Do you have time this week to grab a bite at <insert suggestion> or <insert suggestion>? I'd love to learn more about you and share a bit about our latest offerings, too.If an in-person meeting doesn't work for you, I'd love to send a GrubHub or DoorDash gift card your way.Thanks for considering—and even if you don't have time to meet, I hope you take a thorough lunch break this week!

3. "Customized item just for you"

event kit

Subject line: I'll buy it if you make it, <first name>!

Preview text: Are you interested in customizing this ___? I'll do all the heavy lifting, I just need your inspiration.

Body messaging: Focus on a value-led offer that would benefit the buyer or champion. Empower your prospect to customize something to their own liking.

Example:Hi, <first name>. One-size-fits-all gifts often fall flat. It's like Aristotle said: A friend to all is a friend to none. That's why I'd love to help you customize this <item/kit> so that it will really speak to you or an intended giftee of your choosing. Do you have a favorite <coffee/tea/cocktail>? Are you a sweet tooth or more of a savory person? Are you into gadgets or solid pens and notebooks?Let me know how I can help create something special; I'd love to thank you for your time.

4. "Charitable donation on me"

Subject line: Let me make a donation on your behalf, <first name>!

Preview text: I'll give you <$> to donate to the charity of your choice by taking this meeting with me. I think it will be worth your while.

Body messaging: Use the power of charitable giving by offering your prospect the ability to donate to a charity of their choice.

Example:Hi, <first name>. Charities and nonprofits rely on contributions from the community to sustain their work. With many people struggling during the upheavals of the pandemic, the need is even greater.Do you have a favorite nonprofit that you'd love to lend support to at this time? I'd be delighted if you'd take a meeting with me and let me make a donation on your behalf. I appreciate you giving me a brief window of your day, and I want to make it worth your time. Maybe there's a food shelf near you or a homeless shelter looking for support? Thanks for considering who might benefit from this gesture.

5. "Wanted to share some knowledge with you"

Subject line: A book I think you'll find interesting

Preview text: Wanted to share a slice of knowledge with you! I found this very interesting; give it a read.

Body messaging: Sharing knowledge with a prospect comes off as credible and authentic. This can be a great approach to catch the eye of a VP or C-suite person.

Example:Hi, <first name>. I just finished reading <book> and was amazed by the many insights about <topic>. I thought you might be interested in this book, too, and I'd love to send you a copy. Once you have a chance to read it, let me know and we'll grab a coffee and discuss.Happy to hear if you have any suggestions for my to-read list as well! Thanks for your time and happy reading!

6. "Wanted to offer you something sweet"

sweet treat

Subject line: I've got something sweet to show you, <first name>!

Preview text: Enjoy these (cookies, candies, chocolates, etc.) on me!

Body messaging: Take advantage of your prospect's sweet tooth by offering them a delicious treat to get in front of them.

Example:Hi, <first name>. I wanted to send a little something your way that will sweeten your day. Just give in to the temptation and enjoy these delicious <cookies/candies/chocolates>—my treat! I hope you'll take a moment to savor the sweetness—and also consider how our solution could suit you. Give me a call after you bite into the treats and let's chat about our next steps.

7. "Congrats on the <insert occasion>!"

Subject line: Congrats on the <new job/spouse/child/newly married/going public/acquired/merger>, <first name>!

Preview text: ___ is a huge accomplishment! To help you celebrate, here's a gift basket that I think you'll love.

Body messaging: Recognize your prospect's achievements or milestones with a personal touch.

Example:Congratulations, <first name>! I am thrilled to hear the great news about <insert occasion> and want to help you celebrate. Please accept this gift basket that I picked out especially for you. I thought <X item> would be a perfect way to recognize an achievement like this one.Let me know what you think—I'd love to hear more about your new <job/child/award/etc.>

8. "I wanted to help your work-life balance"

work life balance

Subject line: Something to help you WFH

Preview text: A little work-from-home care package for you. Enjoy!

Body messaging: Acknowledge your prospect's new WFH office experience and offer help adjusting.

Example:Hi, <first name>. I bet you're spending a lot more time at the home office, and it might not be the exact setup you're used to. Or maybe you're back at the company office full-time but missing the comforts of home. I put together a WFH care package for you that I hope will help in any environment.Check it out—headed your ways is/are <wireless headphones, insulated mug, notebook, pen, etc.>! I've found these things really helpful in my office setup, and I hope they'll help you do your best work, too. Let me know what you think and let's continue our conversation about <solution>!

9. Personalized Based on CRM Data

Subject line: I saw you liked ___. Have a ___!

Preview text: I thought this ___ would catch your eye. Would you want to hop on a call and discuss ___?

Body messaging:Focus on the personalized offering based on the data you have on your recipient. Ask your prospect to see if they'd want to accept your offering for a meeting.

Example:Hi, <first name>. I saw this <item> and thought you'd be interested. I remembered that you were interested in <topic> and this seemed right up your alley. Would you like to have a quick chat to discuss this? Hope to grab you for a few minutes this week.

gift ideas

Boost connect rates with Offline Marketing Automation

Think of these templates as a starting point and a source of inspiration. Take these ideas and make them work for you and your prospects. Standard cold emails don't work anymore—offers like these will significantly improve your ROI. Integrating offline experiences into outbound communications will be an important channel for sales teams in the future. However, getting acquainted with these techniques sooner rather than later will put you ahead of the competition.

Request a demo of Postal to drive more leads from outbound emails and explore the largest B2B marketplace. Looking for gifting email templates for marketing? Check out our latest article.

Rich Pusateri
Rich Pusateri

Rich is a B2B marketing enthusiast with a passion for storytelling through relatable content and memorable experiences. Rich was one of the first founding team members of Postal when he started as an intern in 2019 and now holds the Content Marketing Manager role.

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